As a student and now as an instructor, I understand the importance of creating environments in which encourage student expression and learning. Due to all the transitions and changes that have been occurring in the past couple of years, it is important to establish a classroom/studio in which students may redevelop their sense of self and confidence.

I believe that the arts not only allow students the space to explore these issues but to learn problem solving skills, critical thinking, teamwork, and time management. These skills are not confined to the world of art but are transferable to every discipline and career.

 My method of teaching directly influences a person’s life and I accept this responsibility. I am professional yet compassionate, informed and interested in each students’ life situation.

 I believe that students should feel comfortable in the classroom and be able to openly discuss any opinions or observations that they may have about the content in which we are reviewing or critiquing. If a student makes a connection to what we are studying that relates to them personally, they are more likely to retain the information and use that knowledge beyond my classroom. I create this environment by addressing the content historically and contemporarily.

It is fundamental for students within any art-related course to learn and understand the principles of design and apply them to the pieces they create in my class. In a studio course, they should be able to apply these ideas to any 2D, 3D, or alternative media. For lecture courses, they should understand how the artists are using these principles within their works and how art fits within the context of their chosen path and daily lives. The projects I assign have a set of parameters; however, I encourage my students to interpret and incorporate their ideas, background, and culture into their works. In a diverse classroom, students can learn about each other and the multifaceted nature of the artistic and collegiate community.

 As an instructor, I am committed to provide an environment where constructive feedback and criticism of students’ works is not only appreciated but sometimes challenged. I encourage my students to voice their opinions productively to aide their peers in their creative processes as well as reflect their backgrounds or context.

 Overall, students in my courses will use the information and skills that they have learned to become supportive and critical thinkers. They should be able to use these ideas outside of my classroom for their success. My goal is to produce well rounded, knowledgeable, and professional individuals who are ready to pursue any aspect of their career.